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We make every note count…

1,2,3…Do re mi, Get immersed in all things music brought to you by the best. From new releases, tour dates,press releases and all you need to know. Get a first class insight to Our labels artists and all our products for your musical living. We are on a journey to propagate music. All aboard the spacecraft.

WHAT WE DO ..we nurture, we produce, we promote talents

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Talent Management

We discover and nurture exceptional artists, empower them to reach new heights, and create unforgettable music experiences .

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Show Promotions

We curate and promote electrifying live shows, concerts, and festivals that bring people together, spark connections, and create lifelong memories.

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Music Technologies

We invest in innovative music apps, platforms, and technologies that change the music industry, improve artist-fan engagement, and provide new revenue streams for creators and music lovers alike.

“Get ready to vibe with Graviitalbeat!”

We’re excited to introduce our upcoming music marketplace, where creators and music lovers unite!

Past Events Check out some event highlights and concerts

Stay Updated Latest news & posts updated by team daily.

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