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Our Vision and Mission

13.8 billion years ago, a great expansion happened.

It was the start of everything, and then there was music. At TRIIplanetary Records, our love language and instrument is music, and we know that every note is important, from pop to afro, hip-hop, jazz, soul, R&B, and so much more. Every note creates melodies that soundtrack our everyday lives.

At TRIIplanetary Records the goal is to soundtrack your everyday life, every hero needs a theme song, every villain needs those menacing tunes, and well a theme song.

Music is the language we all speak and we are here to amplify and propagate this universal language while creating memories and experiences spanning the cosmos.


We are a Product of the 2020s.

 The name TRIIplanetay represents three planets from the solar system: Earth, Mars, and Venus. TRIIplanetary Records is a music collective, and we provide a platform for creatives and music lovers alike.

At TRIIplanetary, we create an enabling environment for artists and creatives to blend creative juices with authentic experiences to create music and sounds that stand the test of time and time machines

We contribute to the musical scene at all levels, from supporting artists to investing in musical technologies that forward the goal of creating evergreen melodies to soundtrack your every day, putting ink to every note.

From the shores of the Centre of Excellence and the Big Heart. We strive for excellence and distinction in love.


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